Kwanzaa on the 9 RFP
Project Name: Kwanzaa on the 9
Company Name: Greater Chatham Initiative, Inc.
Address: 7822 S. Dobson Ave, Chicago, IL 60619
Procurement Contact Person: Ashley Casiello
Telephone Number: 773-644-1451
Email Address of PCP:
Deadline for Submissions: September 28, 2018, 5:00 p.m. Central Time
Eligibility Requirements:
To qualify, artists must:
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Work as a visual merchandizer, display artist, professional artist or artist team OR have experience creating 2D and 3D window displays, public art, large-scale works, or exterior projects
- Be willing to meet all contractual obligations and adhere to a strict timeline
The Greater Chatham Initiative (GCI) is a placed-based nonprofit dedicated to revitalizing the Chicago Community Areas of Auburn Gresham, Avalon Park, Chatham, and Greater Grand Crossing through strategic economic development. Part of this work entails employing tactical urbanism – temporary, low-cost changes to the built environment of an urban community – to activate spaces that are currently underutilized. 79th Street is home to many of the community’s historic businesses and budding entrepreneurs but has struggled to gain the foot traffic needed to keep their businesses afloat and the community vibrant. As a response, GCI has taken part in many projects that temporarily transform blocks as a means of reengaging community and showing them, as well as business owners and other stakeholders, the power in their own neighborhoods. To this end, GCI wants to use tactical urbanism to significantly improve the appearance and create a festive feel on an 1-block that is located at 440-500 E. 79th Street and is adjacent to the new Whitney Young Library for both pedestrians, motorists and bus riders (79th Street has the highest bus ridership in Chicago.). The intent is to improve 40%-60% of the storefronts. See the following pictures.
The total budget for this project is $6,000 for 13 available windows:
- 3- 3D Kwanzaa window displays, e.g., Macy Christmas window, and
- 7-10 windows are to have installed window film, decals or paint.
Project Goals and Scope of Services
From Friday, December 7th until Saturday, January 5th, GCI will present to the public for free the Kwanzaa-themed windows along the storefronts on 79th Street, including but not limited to 436 E. 79th St, 433 E. 79th St, 445 E. 79th St., and 458 E. 79th St. These displays fall between Vernon Avenue (440 E) .and Eberhart Avenue (500 E.). Windows should reflect the themes of Kwanzaa as well as the history and legacy of entrepreneurship within Greater Chatham. The art and windows are to have a mid-century aesthetic as embodied by Ebony and Jet Magazine and the Black and the blaxploitation film sets from the 1970s. Scope of work includes designing the window display(s), installing/creating the display(s), and taking the display(s) down. Since the windows vary in size, sketches must be scalable. Window heights range from 54” – 108”, and window widths range from 92” – 205”.
Window designs should be meet the City of Chicago signage requirements, if applicable.
In your response to this RFP, please include the following details and components:
- First Name, Last Name
- Phone Number
- Present or former member of the affiliated Communities (i.e. Auburn Gresham, Avalon Park, Chatham, Greater Grand Crossing, or Other)
- Project Description; Should at minimum answer the following:
- Concept behind proposed sketches
- Number of windows you are proposing to design, along with sketches for each window
- Maximum budget per 3D Kwanzaa window is $1,000 each.
- Maximum budget for each storefront window decals or painting (including all bays) is $500 each.
- Explain whether your window design is for a
- 3-D Kwanzaa display
- Storefront window decal or painting
- How long to create each design/install
- Explain whether project must be designed on-site or if it can be created elsewhere/beforehand and then installed in the window
- Number of people needed to assist in creation (GCI maybe able to mobilize volunteers to assist with the project.)
- Concept sketches for proposed window design(s)
- Professional Resume or CV: No longer than 4 typed pages; include the names of at least 2 professional references with full contact information. Submit in .doc, .docx or .pdf format
- 5 – 10 images of previous work, with a detailed Work Sample List. For each sample of previous work submitted, the Work Sample List should include at minimum (in this order) the following:
- Name/Title of Piece
- Client (if applicable)
- Location
- Medium
- Process
- Dimensions
- Year completed
- Budget
- List of supplies needed to execute design(s)
- Itemized budget for supplies, artist fees, and any other foreseen costs
- References
Anticipated Selection Schedule and Project Timeline
The Request for Proposal timeline is as follows:
RFP Posted: September 7, 2018
Deadline for Submissions: September 28, 2018, 5:00 p.m. CT
Deadline for Bidders to Submit Questions: September 14, 2018, 5:00 pm CT
GCI Responds to Bidder Questions: September 21, 2018
Selection of Top Bidders/Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders: Monday, October 8, 2018
The Greater Chatham Initiative will reach out to selected applicants to plan execution of proposed windows. Applicants must be available for a minimum of 2 meetings with the Greater Chatham Initiative between October 9-31. Windows will be installed December 1-6. Window designs will be displayed between December 7th, 2018, and January 4, 2019, and will be taken down over the weekend of January 5th. All work becomes the property of the Greater Chatham Initiative.
Time and Place of Submission of Proposals
The RFP will be posted on our website,, and can be downloaded there directly on 09/07/18.
- Proposals may be submitted to the Greater Chatham Initiative via email at, via an online form available at the following site:, or in-person, at 7822 S. Dobson Ave, Chicago, IL 60619
- For email and online form submissions: Name your submitted digital files according to the following format: FirstLast_01.jpg, FirstLast_02.jpg, etc. (EXAMPLE: JaneSmith_01.jpg, JaneSmith_02.jpg, etc.)
- Please contact Ashley Casiello, GCI Program Coordinator, with any questions regarding this RFP. She can be reached via email at or over the phone at 773-644-1451